Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Kent Chamberlain and the River of Treasure: Pictures

As alluded to in my last post, I photographed two things between Denver and Green River: a fire near Avon, and a rest area by the Colorado River with gold on it. So here's the other pic of that fire, oriented as a portrait, which makes it annoying to use in mixed media like blogs because it takes up more picture space than a landscape, which is why I didn't use it in the other post. (You would be surprised to see my blogging process: I put altogether too much effort trying to find just the right pics, in just the right proportions to maximize the amount of pictures in each article without making it looking crowded with pictures. Hopefully I succeed, but I digress.)

In any case, after the jump, literally every single other picture is going to be from that rest area.

The actual bathrooms in question:

General shots on my way to the boat launch area at the east of the site:

Flavor text from the signs along the walkway:

The creek from whence I believe the metal I found originated, as well as some architecture built alongside it:

Shots of the Colorado River from the boat launch:

Some shots from the part of the river where I panned:

I'm sure I'll be in town before Monday to post up the last day of my Denver trip, so swing by for that. Thanks for reading, and I'll catch you all later.

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