Performative Axisship, Part I

Part II
Part III
Part IV

Liberal intersectionality theory labels people who help "marginalized groups" but are not of those groups as "allies." Because liberalism has to piss away any sort of leftist impulses in meaningless time wasting exercises, "allies" are to constantly be aware not of the burning necessity of the final victory of the revolution for those "marginalized groups," but of ways that their "allyship" is merely "performative." And of course, liberals can't just say "the oppressed," "solidarity," and "fake," because they want even this little revolution to be hidden for only the folks (excuse me, "folx") loaded enough to buy a woke postmodern gender studies decoder ring from their local college.

But whatever. In that last paragraph I've already brought this overpriced ideological bullshit to the masses, like a Prometheus the Garbageman of sorts, so let's just roll with the term.

"Performative allyship" is when you do an oopsie and accidentally misgender someone; or microaggress against a libfem by doing literally anything while not female; or vote for every war, tax cut, and benefit cut your corporate masters tell you to for fifty years. It's just little things like that, little growing pains on the path to being a better liberal individual.

Clearly, fuck this whole ideological paradigm. It fritters away and redirects revolutionary energy towards ideologically keeping up with the Joneses. Like all good liberal bullshit, the facts are all correct, but used to stitch together a wrongass narrative to mislead anyone smart enough to see past the conservative-grade false consciousness.

Some of the less ideologically advanced comrades out there might be raising an objection, along the lines of "But I get all my theory from Occupy Democrats memes and they are DEFINITELY not CIA I'll have you know and they say you're a Problematic and trying to unite the workers is just a red brown alliance in disguise and voat Democrat instead they're gonna be different this time." That's cute, and if you aren't a cop I'll let time and experience teach you how wrong you are. Read Lenin and start a garden to feed your community, and get back to me when you're ready to go further.

However, some of the more ideologically advanced comrades might be raising an entirely different objection to disregarding this liberal ideological paradigm entirely. Liberalism may be deliberately incoherent bullshit, but it is deliberately incoherent bullshit that rules most of the planet. Its imaginary ideological constructs nonetheless have a physical manifestation in the material world, just because so many people believe in them. Not just the rich and the middle class intelligentsia who dreamed it up, but much of the rest of the middle class, and increasingly due to social media pushing it, even some of the children of workers now.

As a result of this ideological garbage vortex in the heart of the North American continent, liberals have a way to get our own misled comrades to spellcheck, monkeywrench, and otherwise stymie any goal of our movement whatsoever. So long as some imaginary offense against some group that isn't the working class can be found, and if you look hard enough something always can be, then the whole movement can be written off by association and the middle class socialists can continue to pretend that they're the real workers and that the real workers are Nazis.

The way that liberals get our comrades to spellcheck the revolution with this performative allyship nonsense is twofold. One is simply ideological confusion. A baby comrade sees a lot of comrades mad about something, and joins in, assuming that's good praxis. Simple enough, and forgivable enough. The remedy is patient education. The workers so fooled will grasp their errors, and the middle class traitors so fooled will wrestle earnestly with their natures and emerge triumphant with our help and loving support.

But socialism doesn't emerge from the workers, it emerges from the middle class intelligentsia and spreads to the workers. In every era when socialism is reborn, this is true. A couple earnest class traitors teach the toiling masses their true interests. Impressed by their success and popularity, a large chunk of the educated middle class adopts socialist ideals and calls themselves class traitors.

But most of them, statistically, are lying. They adopt socialism not in spite of their class interests, but because of them. Not because socialism will empower the middle class, but because they see it in their self interest to be popular. So as long as socialism is popular, they will be socialists. But their class treason is just as shallow as that popularity. They will not make the revolution in the face of great adversity.

Continue to Part II

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