Times are hard for internet leftists. They're liable to get rolled by the same deep state they were cheering on 1/6, so some of them have decided it's safer to organize using Facebook Messenger instead of groups.
Jacob Hodges was one of these. He sent me a friend request a few months ago. I'd seen him around commie spaces, so I approved it. Out of the blue, he sends me one of his writings. It's fine, I give him some approving comments but criticize one aspect of his approach. Kind of a standard thing I (and many reviewers/editors) do when someone thrusts a draft in front of their face: we find something to praise, and something to criticize to make the work stronger and the writer better.
Dude used the phrase "colonialism" like a crutch, but did not otherwise appear to be a Landbackeroo. So that was my gentle criticism: use more proletarian language. And he just could not process that, and the conversation degenerated from there. Dude fills my inbox with an obligation, I read said obligation and try to be useful about it, he becomes tedious and I finally get tired of being given homework and lectured like I was an idiot by the peanut gallery in my inbox. The most galling part of it, for me, was when he "taught" me stuff about Lincoln. Dude, I mentioned Charles Dana in my book, which Lincoln is on the cover of.
This conversation happened when I was visiting friends between Omaha and Nevada, and I'm taking the time now to post it by popular request, and because I want to keep busy as Facebook uploads the videos I took when I got here. I've got one other receipts folder post in the pipeline, it's from a while ago and it generally goes along with this whole theme here of pompous pseudo-intellectuals needing to be stuffed in a collective locker.
But anyway, here's the receipts after the jump:
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