Sunday, January 31, 2021

Announcing the creation of a new message board, Immortal Science.

Because of the recurring censorship of the Zuckerbourgeoisie, the need for message boards independent of Facebook has never been more apparent.

So I built some.

I was impressed by how easy it was. Ten years ago, setting up new message boards took me a week of custom coding, complaining from members that their favorite features weren't working as intended, cursing as new features I was trying to develop kept failing, and general soul-crushing drudgery. The stiff competition from Facebook has evidently forced message board hosts to up their game. I was able to find a good host with solid developer tools that lets me do just about anything, and get the new forums set up and looking the way I want it to look, in about a day.

So go make an account. If we all post theory there and just link it to Facebook, if we post links to the forum when we post memes on Facebook, we can protect our comrades from the whims of the zucc. Or, to quote a good band, it could be made into a monster if we all pull together as a team.

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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Saturday shitposting, 1/30/2021

I've been convalescing a bit after my very own version of the Twelve Labors of Hercules. To wit: I've published a book, built a forum, and started a Patreon filled with new art. So I kinda forgot to give you your weekly Saturday shitposting. So it's getting posted on Sunday, but the timestamp won't reflect that.

While I was convalescing, I couldn't stay completely unproductive. In between the excessive load times of the one-more-turnity of Civ V, I drew some art that'll drop later this week. I'm also going to post up some more sidequests from Nevada; I'll be writing the post today but it'll drop later this week. I've also got some random bits of theory that should probably get fleshed out and posted as actual articles here.

Anyhow, on to the meems!

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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Archaeology and Spruce Mountain: A photo essay

Last year in Nevada, I went on a decent number of what I can only describe as side quests.

South of my agricultural collective lay Spruce Mountain. It dominates the landscape across the northern Ruby Valley, as you can see in the image to your left, taken by Snow Water Lake in the spring. It's not the nearest mountain to the collective, but going off the top of my head I believe it is the tallest. It also has turquoise deposits, and like the rest of Nevada, archaeological features of interest.

The whole area of the Great Basin has been settled, abandoned, resettled, and abandoned again, by the looks of the archaeological record. Anywhere that doesn't have a regular source of water is subject to this fate as miners come in, take what they can while there's a market for it, and leave once there isn't. Houses and structures get built, then abandoned to the ravages of time once they're no longer useful. Sometimes people leave behind items in good working order; I got a cooking pot and skillet this way.

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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday shitposting, 1/23/2021

Welcome to the first shitposting post of the post-Trump shitlib era, yo dawg. We're still not done with Capitol insurrection memes so we'll be clearing a backlog of those before we move on.

Most of the inauguration memes thus far have been some kind of take on Bernie wearing mittens watching an inauguration that by all rights should've been his. They're funny and all, but I can't help feeling inherently shruggy about them. Like, you lie down with imperialists, and this is what you get. You should've caucused with the Republicans bro, and then Trump's administration might've been yours and you'd be getting a second term. The GOP would've voted for you; you were gonna cut Medicare spending and let them keep their guns, but it's lost now, you tried to kick Lucy's football and are now consigned to scowling at losers getting inaugurated. Sucks to be you brah.

Before we make the jump, I'd like to remind everyone that I have a Patreon and you should totally join it. For the low low price of five bucks a month, you can give me steadier finances and obtain for yourself high-resolution scans of my artwork. Get over there and do that, and then jump back here and check out these maymays.

And... jump!

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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Uncle Ho, and an announcement about my new Patreon

I was commissioned by my good comrade Julian to draw a picture of my favorite revolutionary. After thinking it over long and hard, I chose Ho Chi Minh, albeit a picture of him that included a picture of Lenin and Stalin too because it's so hard to choose.

I chose Uncle Ho for another reason too: my comrade Kyril has a Vietnamese girlfriend, and has avidly followed Vietnamese history and politics to boot. When my comrade Owen needed medicine, Kyril stepped in to help because he had the ability to send money online (and at the time, I didn't), and I offered a picture of Uncle Ho in gratitude. Kyril waved it off, but I'm still grateful to know people so dedicated to one another's well-being and united in solidarity despite living across the world from one another. So in no small way, this goes out to y'all.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to announce the launch of my Patreon. While I will continue uploading all my art here for the public to view for free, I'm going to upload high-resolution scans of everything over there too, for my patrons. That includes this very picture. You can become a patron for only five dollars a month, and then you'll have access to a library of art for your own noncommercial use. Print it out and decorate your walls with it; I had my own originals hanging on my walls in my last apartment and was told it looked like a "treasure room." I also had an ex-girlfriend literally bow before me when she saw a map I drew for the first time. You too can announce that you're a person of taste with your decor, and it's only five bucks a month. The frames will cost more than that! And of course, you can feel good about supporting my socialist agricultural collective; your patronage will literally help shelter and employ comrades who need it.

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Monday, January 18, 2021

Upolu Island, Samoa, and an announcement about my art career

I think I'm on a Pacific kick with my artwork. My last piece was a mountain in New Zealand, and today I'm drawing crystal-clear waters off of Upolu Island, Samoa. I got the original off of a Google search, make the jump to see it:

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Sunday, January 17, 2021

Class Analysis and Revolution is hereby published in full!

I'm so happy about it that I decided to skip the rest of the serialization and just give you the last three chapters all at once. It's a Martin Luther King Jr. Day miracle! Go read it on the blog if you want the memes, or just download you a copy of the e-book to read offline.

The final publication of Class Analysis and Revolution is also the closing of a chapter of my life, but a beginning of a much bigger one all the same.

When I began writing this book, I lived in Florida. I had finally read up enough communist theory to start having ideas of my own about it all. My first idea was the triangle compass, featured prominently in the beginning of the book, as well as the subject of its own essay. The triangle compass proved its worth as a tool of class analysis, but the conclusions it was giving me ran counter to the synthetic left theories prevailing in Leftbook at the time (and today, to a slightly diminished degree). Nonetheless, they checked out with my own knowledge and experience in life, and I continued elaborating on them. The triangle compass led me straight to Marxism-Lincolnism, the application of Marxism-Leninism to the material conditions of American bourgeois democracy.

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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Saturday shitposting, 1/16/2021

Ho boy have I got a haul for you today. Ever since the Capitol riot, there has been a neverending flow of 24-karat maymays for your perusal. I've got maymays for weeks. I'm only late posting today's batch because I finished marking up Class Analysis and Revolution.

It's been hard figuring out exactly where I stand on this whole Capitol riot sitch, but I figured out basically that when cops and fash attack each other, the only true winner is America. If I had to pick a side, I guess I'd marginally be for the cops, because I truly despise treason. But the shitlib panopticon the cops are upholding is pretty godawful too. But we did elect Biden, he is the rightful President, and if our government sucks as a result, that's a choice we the American people are going to have to live with. The meems aren't funny unless they jive with one's gut, and so finding meems that keep that balance between shitlibs and fash has been a challenge. But I've got weeks' worth of them now.

Anyhoo, let the shitposting begin.

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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Mt. Taranaki, and an inquiry into the philosophy and praxis of art

Before we talk about the piece up top, I'd like to remind everyone that we're now five chapters deep into Class Analysis and Revolution, and if you haven't checked it out yet and are interested in modern leftist theory at all, you totally should. I'm releasing a new chapter every day right here on Tankie Doodle, and the last chapter will drop on the last day of the Trump (or maybe now the Pence?) administration.

Anyhow, back to the subject at hand. My friend Graciela took a picture of Mt. Taranaki in New Zealand and posted it on Facebook, and I thought it was beautiful enough to draw. And surprisingly enough, I found the time to sit down and do that just now, from start to finish in one sitting. My last artistic foray took me a couple weeks, but it was a bit more complicated, with a lot of human architecture and highly articulated trees, leaves, and blades of grass in the field of vision. This has little of that; it's a study in striking silhouettes at sunset setting a sentiment. (You're welcome for that sentence.)

I'm happy with it; I really like it as a piece of art. But there is a little bit of a problem I have with it, and if you look at the original photograph after the jump, you might see it.

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Sunday, January 10, 2021

New bookshelf entry: the first chapter of Class Analysis and Revolution!

I've begun serializing Class Analysis and Revolution, y'all. I will post a chapter every day for the next eleven days, with the last chapter going live on the last day of Trump's administration, a coincidence I didn't plan but that I embrace all the same. The first chapter is up, but you might as well start with the brief introduction.

This has been a moment building for a while. A lot of it was in the editing moreso than the writing. I know what I want to say, I just want to say so much, all at once, and it comes out all jumbled and confused. Editing it so the arguments progressed linearly and flowed from one to the other was the hardest part. I also had to figure out where to stop. There were initially going to be two extra chapters, one dedicated to what I expect a post-capitalist United States to look like, and one class analyzing the People's Republic of China. But the book is ambitious enough as it is; explaining to my comrades the dialectical logic in joining the GOP is going to be difficult enough that I should dedicate the first book to that. What comes after the civil war that will prompt can and rightly will be the subject of its own entire book. Class analyzing China in a fair and evenhanded manner is also going to be a weighty matter that will require all manner of documentation to ward off charges of revisionism from the Maoist ultras on the one hand, and charges of ultraradicalism from the Dengists on the other, and will also require its own book.

After the entire book has been published serially here, I'll release it in .pdf format, with a PayPal link attached since I won't be able to sell adspace on that. I want this knowledge out in the world, first and foremost. I'd like to be paid for it as a secondary matter, but I actively encourage people to steal, share, host, and republish this book. The method of class analysis it explains is simple enough to be understood by just about anyone, yet profound enough that it can change the world, I believe, if it becomes widely adopted by the working class.

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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Saturday shitposting, 1/9/2021

Dayum some shit went down this week. It's refilled by shitpost buffers to the point where I can make another one of these bad boys happen.

Not that I got to be a part of the online trauma bonding day-of. After the cops let the fash waltz on into Congress, because of course they did, Facebook went nuts banning any hint of disharmony. I caught a three-day postblocc for saying "begone thot" to a reactionary. It's just as well; I spent the next three days finishing Class Analysis and Revolution. It is a done thing which is done, I just have to mark it up for the internet, and then make an ebook version. It will be available for free download, or you can read it right here, also for free, and get the full maymay bidness. Just so long as you read it, it's all good. I'll be releasing that sick puppy chapter by chapter, because it's downright massive. Updates to come.

I'm also sick of being thrown off of Facebook for telling the truth to different flavors of reactionary. If Facebook can ban the President, what hope does my commie ass have of dodging a banhammer? I was going to build a forum anyway, and now I'm definitely going to build a forum. We're running out of time.

Anyhoo, meme dump below:

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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Ryokan no Shinrin

Since I've come back to Omaha for the winter, I've been watching a bunch of Zatoichi films. The main character is a blind masseur/gambler/swordfighter named Zatoichi, a former yakuza who can't seem to leave his past behind no matter how hard he tries. He's also preposterously good at swordfighting, ending dozens of mooks onscreen in dozens of seconds, slicing candles and handing the lit tips over to someone on swordpoint, and slashing the sake bottles of yakuza bosses mid-drink.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Black Scammer, 24-hour postbloccs, and reading Settlers.

They're also probably cops. I'm on 24-hour postblock because I called one of these grifters a "piggie." Butthurt cop is butthurt.

It's remarkable how quickly it happened, too. Immediately after posting the piggie comment below, I was on postblock. It's as if they had people on the inside in Facebook, or something.

Their biggest "accusation" against me is that I'm white. Nevermind my Shawnee, Potowatomi, and Haudenosaunee ancestry; I don't get to live here without grovelling before them, I guess, because some of my ancestors came from Scotland. My ancestors had more revolutionary energy in their little toes than the entire Black Hammer org; they knew implicitly that the working class must be united in resistance to imperialism and capitalism, which is why all these people oppressed by British colonialism intermarried with each other as equals.

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