Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Black Scammer, 24-hour postbloccs, and reading Settlers.

They're also probably cops. I'm on 24-hour postblock because I called one of these grifters a "piggie." Butthurt cop is butthurt.

It's remarkable how quickly it happened, too. Immediately after posting the piggie comment below, I was on postblock. It's as if they had people on the inside in Facebook, or something.

Their biggest "accusation" against me is that I'm white. Nevermind my Shawnee, Potowatomi, and Haudenosaunee ancestry; I don't get to live here without grovelling before them, I guess, because some of my ancestors came from Scotland. My ancestors had more revolutionary energy in their little toes than the entire Black Hammer org; they knew implicitly that the working class must be united in resistance to imperialism and capitalism, which is why all these people oppressed by British colonialism intermarried with each other as equals.

This Black Hammer group is so terrible, it hurts. It's like some mirror universe evil version of my praxis. They too are trying to homestead a collective, and have gathered $50,000 in donations by scamming oppressed nationalities and preying on liberal white guilt. They're putting it towards this project they call "Hammer City," but if the history of such groups is any guide, a big chunk of the money donated to their New Wakanda is almost certainly going straight into the leadership's pockets. They post regularly in Marxist groups to do this, and to spread their bullshit Maoist/Third Worldist lines. Colonizer this, settler that. They don't even uphold Marx, but they're in our groups poisoning the minds of baby comrades. It's black Nazis is what it is.

I say "New Wakanda" because this whole "colonizer" meme is literally funded by the Department of Defense. The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is one long, extended advertisement for how good and cool American imperialism is. Even movies that ostensibly break this mold, like Captain America 2, implicitly chalk up every bad thing the Department of Defense has done since WWII to a couple bad apples, in the case of that movie represented by the infiltration of Hydra. In the case of Black Panther, one of the good guys is literally CIA, to let all the kids in the hood know that the CIA too just has a couple bad apples, and is otherwise trustworthy. It also promotes a neocolonial outlook towards Africa under the guise of "representation."

Black Hammer is just as insidious, and just as in service to the empire of America's rich. Allow me to explain.

First off, the FBI's COINTELPRO operation, which supposedly ended but we can rest assure never really would have, had certain favored tactics to disrupt leftist groups in America itself. From Jacobin:

Creating internal strife was key to the Bureau’s success. As one 1956 memo regarding the Communist Party explained, harassment from the outside might serve only to bring the various factions together, whereas forcing and fostering from within the internal fight currently raging would help destroy the organization while avoiding the appearance of government interference.

To do this, the FBI used a variety of methods. Often, paid informants would infiltrate a group and bring up controversial issues or raise acrimonious debates in order to spark conflict.

So we see here that the FBI's preferred method of fighting the domestic left is no longer to engage in round-'em-up Red Scares where everyone to the left of J. Edgar Hoover gets paddywagoned downtown, but to infiltrate us and sow chaos from within, misdirecting our energy against one another.

Another Jacobin article demonstrates the danger of ultraradical Maoism in concert with FBI wrecking, in the form of the Revolutionary Communist Party and Bob Avakian:

The party began openly promoting a cult of personality around its leader, Bob Avakian, and even pursued openly reactionary positions. It shifted lines around national/racial oppression, leading the RU/RCP to disastrously oppose the Boston busing plan, an attempt to integrate the city’s schools in the mid-1970s, as an affront to working-class unity. The RU/RCP also abandoned mass work like its base-building among workers and started pursuing adventuristic tactics, like leading needlessly confrontational demonstrations such as their attempt to “turn DC upside down” in response to Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping’s visit to the White House, which led to years of legal wrangling over felony charges. (For the RU/RCP, Deng represented a “revisionist” turn in China away from socialism.)

As part of its opposition to the supposed bourgeois “misdirection” of the women’s movement, the group opposed the Equal Rights Amendment. It also espoused a reactionary, homophobic position that homosexuality was a form of bourgeois decadence that would disappear in a socialist society.

The RU/RCP eventually took a cultish and occasionally reactionary turn. But that turn was not necessarily preordained. Here, Gallagher and Leonard’s work proves particularly important. As the FBI took notice of the group in the 1960s and ‘70s and disrupted the group, they may have helped spur the RU/RCP’s turn towards extreme sectarianism.

Here, we see that the FBI's internal informants, spies, and wreckers will emphasize extremely hyperchauvinist takes on one side or another of the bourgeois culture war to drive up sectarianism and dilute the mass appeal of any leftist group. It's hard to pick a "correct line" between Deng and the Gang of Four, and bad lines were guaranteed to result from any attempt to take sides in that mess. Deng was less ultra, so he was probably closer to the truth, but Dengism can only at best be interpreted as a tactical retreat for socialism. But developing lines off the Gang of Four can only lead to hilariously terrible and ultraradical results, so it's no wonder that's where it led the Revolutionary Communist Party under the guiding hand of the FBI. Such ultra takes are always going to work in the FBI's favor, and the FBI knows this and loves them for it.

Indeed, the FBI instructed its informants at the Students for a Democratic Society's last meeting to vote in favor of the adventurist terrorists the Weather Underground and against the disciplined mass party of the Progressive Labor Party. The FBI doesn't care if you try to blow shit up; you can easily be arrested and used as propaganda to explain to the average American worker that Red man BAD. In fact, they're hoping you try to blow shit up. No, what scares them is an attempt to bring Marxist-Lincolnist praxis back from the dead with a disciplined labor party, which is why they had that praxis ruined:

Unable to contend with PL politically, the leadership group resorted to arguing against their organizational practices. PL’s conduct as a disciplined cadre group, they argued, was contrary to the spirit of SDS. PL was simply in SDS to recruit members, not actually build the organization. Though PL often behaved in unprincipled and destructive ways, the leadership’s critique of the group would have been more convincing if they themselves weren’t guilty of ignoring the membership when convenient, and if they had raised these concerns before they began losing votes to PL.


After June 1969, SDS ceased to exist as a national entity. PL tried to build its own SDS, though the point of a separate organization with identical politics to PL was lost on most students. RYM fractured quickly into two groups — the Weathermen, who embraced armed guerrilla struggle against the system, and RYM ii, with more orthodox Maoist politics. The Weathermen group soon established itself as a menace to radical politics, but only a nuisance to the system. Its bombings against establishment targets accomplished nothing, and its occasional bizarre public pronouncements, like Bernardine Dohrn’s declaration that “The Weathermen dig Charles Manson” only underscored how far these former SDSers had come from their old goal of a mass movement to transform America.

The Weather Underground went on, of course, to not liberate anything whatsoever. Some of them are still in jail for terrorism, last I checked. The PLP, cut adrift from the revolutionary energy and anti-imperialist outlook of the SDS, was still wedded to the increasingly reactionary unions of the 60s and couldn't yet join anti-imperialism with the electoral strategy necessary to recreate the Marxist-Lincolnist path necessary for changing the workers' relationship to the means of production in these material conditions.

While the conditions for victory against capitalism require enough sectarianism to maintain the correct line of its leadership against FBI infiltration, it also requires enough coalition-building to mobilize the masses in support of that correct line. The easiest way for the FBI to break apart that coalition is, of course, identity politics. An FBI infiltrator named Don Wright successfully used identity politics to break apart black and Puerto Rican leftist groups in the 60s and 70s. From Jacobin's interview with Aaron J. Leonard:

Yes, he does. The various groups were actually making good progress towards a party in 1971, 1972.

Don Wright maneuvered his way to being the RU’s point person for that. Rather than going in there arguing for a multinational party, he was arguing black people need to lead black people, Puerto Rican people need to lead Puerto Rican people. The different racial and ethnic groups need to not come together, essentially.

The Ad Hoc Committee, which now has been around for ten years between 1962 and 1972 and don’t have anything to do with this new party, took the time to write a note to the Guardian, the newspaper important in the New Communist Movement at the time, and say, “You know, black people should lead black people and Puerto Rican people should lead Puerto Ricans . . .”

They said exactly what Don Wright was saying. And the whole thing fell apart, shockingly actually.

I took you on this Jacobin-inspired trip down memory lane because they have the most accessible writing on this history. Despite being a front group for American imperialism (the subject for a future article), Jacobin, like other such front groups used by the National Endowment for Democracy, finds use in putting the communist past to work for the imperialist present. They can be trusted, to a certain point (exept when it comes to finally rehabilitating Stalin, which is still too spicy for them) to tell us the truth about the communist past, in order to foster goodwill among us for their brand, goodwill which can then be leveraged to get us to believe them when they say imperialist things about our present. There isn't any prose this lucid explaining our own history as a movement so clearly to us in non-academic terms, so I used it here. But now let's consolidate its lessons:

The FBI will not round us up to destroy us, because it would immediately make us discard bad praxis, and band together in a vanguard party for our own safety and to advance our goals in the face of such counterrevolutionary activity, while generating sympathy for us among the broader public. Such Red Scare praxis on their part would only hasten the end of capitalism, and they know it. So they seek to infiltrate our movement from within, sow discord with identity politics, and poison our minds with bad theory and bad praxis. Instead of sending their agents in to hide in the corners of our meetings and nondescriptly take notes of who said what, their agents actively seek positions of power and influence in our movements to spread identity politics, bad theory, and bad praxis.

So how do you tell a cop from a leftist? Well, you can't, not really; and trying too hard is divisive in and of itself, a problem known as copjacketing or snitchjacketing. But you can tell who's doing cop work, either on purpose or out of ignorance or selfishness, by who's promoting identity politics, divisiveness, and bad theory and praxis.

Which brings us back to Black Hammer.

Whether they're cops, opportunists, or copportunists, is irrelevant. They're synthetic leftists hopped up on identity politics and sectarianism. They say Antifa is indistinguishable from Nazis, insist Antifa leave the "hood," and demand six hundred dollars from them, a position they share with liberals, minus the six hundred dollars. That they're opportunists, at the very least, is obvious from the picture to the right: that's Gazi, Black Hammer's founder, in a previous job with Madonna's production crew, flanked by white women and the American flag, all of which runs precisely counter to what Black Hammer claims to stand for.

Not only that, but they use and abuse the black, Native, and Hispanic workers they claim to represent. A friend of mine joined them, realized they were a cult, quit, and still gets calls begging him for money. When I tried to bring this up to one of their recruiters on Leftbook, I got told that I "sucked colonizer cock" so much that I finally flipped the script on him and made fun of his barely-concealed sexual power fantasies until he blocked me. I had called him a cop, a fake leftist, a fake Marxist, but suddenly suggest that he's a sexual predator disguising himself on the left, and I get blocked. Seems like I hit a nerve.

Whether they're cops or not, all these bad takes materially help the cops. But they're not alone on the synthetic left with these shit takes. I'm pretty sure a modern Aoki will be discovered in the person of J. Sakai, the guy who wrote the Settlers trashfire. The function of Settlers is to divide the multiracial working class along racial lines, so it's a chauvinist work ostensibly directed at "settler-colonials" but in practice used by the FBI to keep oppressed nationalities disunited and unable to resist capitalism. No wonder so many oppressed nationalities voted for Trump this time around.

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