Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Upon the occasion of the electoral college electing Joseph Biden

My fellow Republicans:

One hundred and sixty years ago, we took up arms to defend a Republic by the people, for the people, and of the people. Our ancestors swore their oaths to the Constitution, to this people's Republic it set forth, and marched through the heart of the South for the liberation of an enchained race and the promulgation of this Constitution.

Today, the world lay in imperialist chains forged by liberal Democrats, and I understand the desire of many to deny them their victory, so barely won. But the only tool in our hands by which to shatter these chains is our own Constitution. By it, a rebellion against those chains, those liberals, those Democrats, can be blessed and sanctioned by all the force of our law. Without it, it is just unremitting war of the few on the many, one we the many are not prepared in any wise to win. We must uphold the Constitution, even when it works against our short term interests, because by allowing the workers of America to vote in a new government and to peacefully organize, it gives us a greater scope of action if properly used.

I despise the decadent careerist Joseph Biden, and expect only misrule and corruption from his upcoming administration. But he won the election, by the rules laid down in our Constitution. He will be our next President. Those who are prepared to secede from this Republic over his election despise the most fundamental truths upon which our Party is founded. Those who are not prepared to secede, but speak as if they were, not only despise those truths, but gamble carelessly with them.

We must instead spend these next four years forging a new coalition capable of replacing Biden in 2024. The old conservative coalition is defunct; the three-legged stool must be rebuilt with new timbers; really with the timbers that first fashioned our Party stool.

The fiscal conservatives are now with Biden while he ignores his socialist wing; one of the three legs of our new coalition must therefore be socialists.

The "national security conservatives," really the deep state Trump warned us about, the military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about, are with Biden and the Democrats too. We must welcome in anti-imperialists of all stripes, peacemongers who heed the original foreign policy vision of the Founding Fathers.

The social conservatives have kept the old Republican faith since the beginning. Once they were called abolitionists; now they are despised by the marbled halls of arrogant liberalism for believing in vital traditions that have not failed them when everything else in this world has. Upon this rock must we rebuild our Party. But we must cast our appeals in a way worthy of a righteous and loving God; a Saviour whose redemption was open to publicans and prostitutes and lepers and Samaritans. Our times demand a grace no less ferocious than His. We must set aside the culture wars, and declare instead a culture peace, and let this peace become a new Great Law by which the downtrodden on this continent can unite as one against the liberals who oppress us all.

We have four years to accomplish this great task, and the impending lashes of the upcoming administration to remind us why it must be done. May God speed and assist this necessary effort.

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