Sunday, December 13, 2020

Saturday shitposting roundup, 12/12/2020

Aaaaaalmost forgot. But it's still Saturday in Nevada, so I'm not technically late. I kinda gave myself the week off because of a much more serious post and its emotionally draining subject matter, and spent the day playing Civ V. Maybe one day I'll write up a throwaway shitpost about my vidyagaem habits.

But until then, the public demands memes. Statistics tell me these posts perform exceptionally well, which is kinda depressing until I see that the bookshelf entries are also killing it. All is not lost for the effortposting side of things, and the bookshelf entries are the main reason this blog even blogs, so yay. In any case, without having to do any promotion whatsoever, a lot of you are just here for the Saturday shitposting. I know it, you know it, there's no sense denying it. So you know what that means...

You might as well jump!

And 'tis the season, so I'll give the last word to St. Nicholas of Myra:

Your ad could be here!

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