Friday, August 13, 2021

Camping cuisine: personal pan pizza

As I'm not dying, I'm also not starving. I've decided to take more pictures of the fancier things I cook, in order to prove that point.

Today's entry is pic related: a deep-dish personal pan pizza, chicken and bacon with buffalo sauce. My extended family is based around the Chicago area, but the Noo Yawkeh gripes that "it's a fuggin' casserole, not a pizza" have somewhat landed. (IMHO the best pizza comes not from Chicago or New York, but from St. Louis. Imo's Pizza, or really any shop that'll make you a pie with Provel cheese, is the best pizza money can buy.)

That said, in the middle of the desert, this is a pretty tasty casserole. I've levelled up my dough-raising skills and I'm pretty proud of the results. There's a non-zero chance that I'll be making this in Omaha over the winter too. Also, on a more personal note, this is my birthday. I'll probably be celebrating out in the field when this is published, but if I'm in town I'll swing by and post something up.

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