So the Center for Political Innovation held an event in Austin on the 12th of this month.
I was in the group that helped plan it, and I was initially going to take part, but it snowballed massively and I cut myself from the lineup to provide more of a platform to people who know how to use the limelight most effectively.
I only mention that because I need to explain why I was privy to some of the planning details for the event. When the talks were happening, the need for security was mentioned. I wasn't expecting this, but yeah it ended up being the prerequisite to a successful event.
There is a group of woke frat boys called the Red Guards of Austin, and they do absolutely terrible and violent things. They are Black Hammer for white people. Here's a pretty good summation of where they come from, even if that source is written by someone ignorant of communist history and unsympathetic to us. Their ideological foundations go back to a guy named Bernard Rapoport, a financier who worked to obtain labor union and credit union accounts, who bundled donations for various Zionist causes, the Kennedys, Bill and Hillary's presidential campaigns, as well as Planned Parenthood. The last Democrat governor of Texas, Ann Richards, appointed this loon to the University of Texas Board of Regents. This self-proclaimed "capitalist with a conscience" died in 2012, but his bratty ideological stepchildren survive him. So the Austin Red Guards, despite preaching adventurist revolutionary violence, are actually quite integrated into the Democrat machine.
There was some security concern here. The Red Guards are notorious for committing violence against their targets, who are mostly Trump supporters and pro-lifers. In response to news of the CPI conference, they put out a statement to the effect of "If we beat up pregnant women, just wait and see what we'll do to the CPI."
Fortunately, we've got comrades working in the security field, and the conference went on without a hitch. Apparently the Red Guards did send in some infiltrators, according to this video. They were mostly pasty, scrawny, and masked, and stood out like a sore thumb because they weren't interacting with anyone. Security went over and asked them who they were and where they were from, and got mumbles in response. It seems to be that after getting a good look at the security present, these would-be disruptors decided to keep calm and orderly, because like I said, the conference went on without a hitch.
The most virulent attack that happened during the conference, in fact, was online. Some guy screennamed Purple Maggot (he's up top there, wearing the world's best makeup job in history) with a Ukraine flag in his screenname, livetwote the conference as grumpily as possible. Some random synthetic leftist harrumphed on his blog about it, too. And since I wasn't there and couldn't help more directly, I counter-trolled the trolls in my first ever official Twitter beef. Between me and the rest of the 'rades, we seem to have e-noogied him hard enough that he ditched the Ukrainian flag.
So this is dumb Twitter beef. Why does it matter?
Why it matters is that Purple Maggot is an avatar of the synthleft in real life. So far, we've mostly only seen their ilk on the internet, where they bravely call anyone who slightly disagrees with them Adolf Hitler. We've seen them laugh reacc any theory they didn't read yet. But we haven't seen what they're like in meatspace.
And now we know. In large groups, the synthetic left can finally muster up the courage to kick pregnant women. But in the presence of other large groups, or on their own, they are terrified into silence and will only talk their shit in the safety of a car headed swiftly in the opposite direction.
But oh, the shit they talk anyway! For the benefit of posterity, who might look back on these times and wonder what it was like to live through such madness, I not only let these shitlibs drag me into a conversation, but I even went to the trouble of screenshotting it. These are ungodly long conversations, and there's two of them, so I'm going to put them each on separate pages, and you can read them by clicking the links below:
Conversation 1: Christopher Seadog
Conversation 2: Cinco Blasi
Conversation 3: Vellum and Vinyl but less liberal
So yes, you will see this kind of rabid discourse from these people, calling you every name under the sun the moment you step out of their party line. But remember, the pure bilious hatred they spout online is absolutely impotent. They are only capable of actual violence when the numbers are on their side, and even then it's only violence of the most cowardly, cruel sort.
In this regard, they strongly resemble the fascists they performatively agitate against. This should not be a surprise; the synthetic leftists are middle class, and the middle class naturally gravitates towards fascism. This same phenomenon is why the Social Democrats shot Rosa, why Bernie rubberstamps every CIA coup he sees, and why Jacobin is in hock to deep state front groups. And it is why at this juncture, real antifascism lies in exposing and defeating the middle class poser socialists spouting these lines.
So next time you have a run-in with these ambulatory jokes, remember, pic related is the guy calling you a nazbol online.
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