Let us then review. Because the British Empire founded a bunch of colonies dependent on seapower and tied together through a common language and culture, the descendant nations of those colonies will be compelled to participate most closely in the coming war focused on its most successful colony. Unless I'm completely mistaken, this war will result in a socialist victory, and US and allied socialist forces will end up in control of every one of these core nations of the former British Empire.
There will be other nations, probably. Capitalist Australia and New Zealand have close relations with several Polynesian nations, whose ocean territory we will need to control and sail through in order to crush antipodean reaction. Offers of real development aid and seawalls so their nations can survive the immediate impacts of climate change, which will likely cost billions but still be cheaper than the cost in life of island hopping, should get most of Polynesia to switch sides. Hawaii, Guam, and American Samoa will already be under US control, and the entire rest of Polynesia that isn't French will come over. We can invite them into our alliance, at whatever level they are comfortable with.
The former British colonies of the Caribbean are another curiosity. Depending on British and Wall Street strategy, they might try to turn these nations against us, as a way to get foreign naval bases capable of striking us in a hurry. If they do, if these governments take up arms against the socialist Union, it may bring civil war to those islands, especially Jamaica. Socialist American troops will in that case liberate them from capitalism to remove the danger.
Having dealt with all the main pressing threats both foreign and domestic, we must then seek to place socialism on a stronger footing for the long term. This requires building on the past, instead of overthrowing it. When feudalism first passed away into bourgeois capitalism, it was in Britain in 1688. There was violence - it was called the Glorious Revolution - but it built upon what came before. There was still a monarchy, but it was now subservient to Parliament. The constitutional structure of the country remained, but now served new owners. Once Britain demonstrated to the world that such an arrangement was not only possible but relatively stable, the rest of Europe followed Britain into bourgeois capitalism over the next 200 years. So it must be with the transition from capitalism to socialism.
The conservatives, once again unconsciously applying the dialectic, have already done most of the legwork for us. The lobbying group ALEC has gotten enabling legislation approved in most of the states to hold another constititonal convention. Ostensibly, this is to establish a balanced budget amendment and other such conservative bric-a-brac. But constitutional conventions, once summoned, cannot be limited by anything but the electorate refusing to ratify their document. And, usefully for any countries America comes to occupy in the course of our civil war, there are no limitations on who can get an invite to such a constitutional convention either.
The contradiction of a war fought to end American imperialism resulting in American troops forcibly occupying Anglophone capitalist countries that helped the attempt to subvert its Constitution must be addressed, and quickly, or America will just slide back into social imperialism. New constitutional forms must be adopted, but they must be adopted through the constitutional convention process that legitimated America's last two constitutions.
I envision the end result being some kind of supranational government, more than the United States but less than the United Nations. I suspect it will be called the Red Union; the color red is shared by the former British Empire, the Republican Party, the Lakota when they describe the path of righteousness, and of course communists. The concept of a "union" is familiar to the British, whose country is the United Kingdom; the Americans, who live in the United States; and socialists, whose movement in part grew out of labor unions. The countries likeliest to get involved in our civil war all share that color in common, and little else. Other names are possible, but would involve lengthy and tortured terms. "Red Union" is short, sweet, and descriptive of all of us.
I suspect this will be a supranational body because nationalism, being a poison, must be managed. Outright annexation of these countries as new American states would not go over well with the domestic population, to put it very mildly. It is odious too to communist principles. But all of these countries, having once been the "Five Eyes" linchpin of global capitalist hegemony, must be transformed into a linchpin of global socialist hegemony. Being united anew by socialist solidarity instead of fractious capitalist individualism, our bonds should be made more explicit than a mere spying pact, yet in a way that permits the continuation of a sense of nationhood for every nation within it. And by "nation" I don't just mean to say the Canadas, but also Quebec, and also the First Nations.
The precise constitutional formulas of such a Red Union can and will be the subject of another book. But it will mark the endpoint of our civil war, because it will be a civilizational civil war across the whole Anglosphere, only resolvable with a great law of peace in force across all of it. Working together, united by socialism and five hundred years of common civilization, with two vast oceans and all the leftover kit of American imperialism protecting us, we will be able to build socialism in our countries in a way that the Soviet Union never could. We can not only accept, but egg on the nationalizations of American corporate interests across the world, as a sort of reparations for empire. We can encourage the other nations of Earth to find their own unique paths to socialism, and defend them from counter-revolution when they do. We can soak up excess unemployment in our countries by soaking up excess carbon in the atmosphere, fixing what our ancestors broke.
With a socialist government immune to capitalist encirclement and CIA coup finally in power, the workers will lose their chains, and the end of history will finally have arrived. Except it will only be a beginning: we will be free to explore the cosmos, make fundamental scientific discoveries, and expand the realm of human knowledge and well-being as has never been done before in history. Even if we never get to full-on communism in our lifetimes, full-on socialism, as Karl Marx envisioned, is a dream worth pursuing. Let's pursue it together, comrades!
Long live the immortal science of Marxism-Lincolnism!
Long live the United States of America!
(If you found this book useful to your theoretical education and have money to spare, I would be grateful for any tips received, and would apply them directly to building the agricultural collective I discussed in Chapter 8. If you don't have any money to spare, sharing the link to the beginning of this book to your comrades would still be incredibly useful to me, but especially to the movement.)
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