Chapter 3: But What About All The Other Ideologies? Part II

The fundamental value of the bougies is that combination of individualism and utopianism called vanity; the whole point of being a liberal is to be a better liberal than all the other liberals. Riches are just another way of keeping score, like etiquette and virtue signalling. And when you already have everything, the only thing you have left to acquire is a good name.

Utopianism is an aspect of that virtue signalling. Wealth insulates the wealthy from the consequences of their actions, which leads them to misunderstand the world around them. Without any meaningful inputs from reality or necessity, they are left to their own devices to interpret the world. The virtue signalling they continually perform is the closest thing to ethics that they have, so they take their cues from it. As one example, many bougies are vegans to signal virtue, which leads to the peak liberalism of a single election in California requiring chickens to have adequate housing but blocking that same right for working-class humans. They don't care if they do good, they just want to look good.

This utopianism also manifests itself in ridiculous schemes, like the early-20th century liberal obsession with eugenics before Hitler made it passe. The current liberal obsession with Bitcoin is another example of an idea that's too utopian to ever work in the real world. Anytime a liberal tells you that the country would be fixed if only we did this one weird trick, and that one weird trick isn't seizing the means of production, you can rest assured that they're blowing utopian smoke up your hindquarters and their scheme is either too stupid to work, or will work as intended to secretly enrich them at your expense somehow.

The opposite of liberalism is the will to power, so utopianism, individualism, and vanity is a sort of recurring weakness and/or ineffectiveness. Money can usually cover that sin, but occasionally the bougies screw the pooch so hard that money can't buy them out of their troubles. Not every late capitalist stage brings this about; the American bougies bought off their proles with the New Deal, and the German bougies hopped in bed with Hitler and continued exploiting their proles without dropping a beat.

But sometimes, liberal utopian fecklessness is so great that the only hope for bougie survival is to embrace the will to power anyway. The power of money is so great that I can count on a single hand the number of instances I can think up off the top of my head where this happened. The most important case is probably Genghis Khan and his Mongol successors; minor cases would be the nazbols (National Bolsheviks) of modern-day Russia, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, and the Strasserite Nazis that Hitler purged during the Night of Long Knives. Of all of these, only Genghis Khan and his successors established states for any appreciable length of time, so we will examine this in detail.

Continue reading Part III

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