Maoist Third Worldists like J. Sakai aver that America is an irredeemably racist nazbol republic that cannot be reformed, but must be destroyed and Balkanized into fragments based on which non-white ethnicity is prominent in a given area. The Marxist-Lincolnist path requires the maintenance of a United States of America with its present symbols and Constitution uniting multiracial conservative and socialist workers behind it in order to succeed. It is necessary to vindicate the wisdom of the Marxist-Lincolnist path to victory against the arguments levelled by these middle class poser socialists.
While the Anglophone proletariat has historically been nazbol, so has the proletariat of every major empire in history, anywhere in the world. Qing China had its own nazbol proletariat settling Mongolia; modern "Communist" China seeks to re-colonize the indigenous Polynesians of Taiwan; yet it's funny how the Settlers-quoting Maoists never really mention the injustice of that or use it to explain why China is irredeemable to socialism and must be destroyed.
What about all the racism in America, in the current Republican Party? Are we actually prepared to build the wall, if it comes to that? Would we really nuke the gay baby whales for Jesus, if it brought us to power? The middle class socialists who oppose the Marxist-Lincolnist path to victory suspect we would, suspect that this is all a Strasserite plot to sell ourselves out to reaction. Hardly. This is a communist plot to save America by telling the truth to Trump's useful idiots. The more accurate comparison isn't Hitler's purged useful idiots the Strasserites, but Stalin turning Hitler into his own useful idiot with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which advanced Soviet interests against Nazi Germany on the whole. Except in this latter-day Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Boomer Wehrmacht we're up against for control of the party is already encircled by the actuarial tables, and insisting upon their constitutional right to not wear a mask anyway.
If nazbollery is in the American character, and this past chapter has demonstrated that it is, it wasn't put there by the working class, but by the liberals, and by any middle class fascists ideologically keeping up with the liberal Joneses. Workers fall for it, but they don't originate it. They are victims of false consciousness. As our triangle compass demonstrates , the nazbol position isn't working class, but bourgeois. What happens is nazbol false consciousness fools the workers to believe in nationhood and military conquest as a way to better themselves, and then for some of them, that ends up actually being true, and they or their descendants eventually become liberals.
What all of this is to say is that neither America nor Britain (nor Mongolia nor Italy, for that matter, the other major historic nazbol powers) are uniquely evil, merely uniquely successful at imperialism and uniquely prepared to share the spoils of it with its underclass to keep the military conquests rolling. This redistribution actually makes capitalism and liberal democracy work better through Keynesian stimulus creating a labor aristocracy, financing a stronger and more loyal imperialism. And so long as those spoils aren't making its way to the underclass anymore (and they aren't, ever since 1991), the workers of these "settler-colonial" nations are just as susceptible to revolution as anyone else, and it's a crime for us to not attempt to radicalize them. As the strongest imperial powers because of their nazbol past, created by the difficult conditions of imperial settlement created by geography, Britain and America will thus be the first ones to pass beyond capitalism into socialism. and our abolition of capitalist relations will usher in a socialist era worldwide, as Engels predicted would happen when the advanced capitalist powers first did so (Friedrich Engels, The Principles of Communism, The advanced capitalist powers of his day included France and Germany, but the lack of military power in the modern European Union makes it secondary and dependent to the question of the establishment of international socialism. If the means of production were seized in Europe, the CIA or an American invasion would now undo it. If the means of production were seized in America and Britain, capitalist Europe could not undo it. So Engels' prophecy now applies first and foremost to America, and secondarily to Britain, which retains its "special relationship" and means for independent military action as demonstrated in the Falklands War.
There is nothing inherent to the American or British national character to make this so. We aren't the master race, just blessed by accident of geography. If Serbia had a large Atlantic coastline and was separated by thirty miles from the nearest part of the European continent, then the Falklands would be Serbian and we all would have spent centuries under their oppressive capitalist heels.
Of course, none of this matters to the middle class socialist, who has to use their gender studies degree to assert that they are the real working class, or else lose the class privilege they smuggled into the left. There is more to be said on this in two chapters, but for now, I am satisfied that this critique has been adequately answered. False consciousness can and must be endured if we are to teach the workers how to liberate themselves. We cannot be delicate liberal snowflakes too afraid to sully ourselves by association with proletarian sinners under the influence of nazbol or conservative false consciousness, or socialism will never come.
A class analysis of nazbollery was necessary to refute the synthetic left's charges of it against us. The most effective socialism arose out of its ashes in Eurasia, and will do the same here. The very whiff of its sulphur is too much for the dainty noses of these middle class socialists, but we should not let their delicate constitutions detain us further. By explaining the development of socialism from nazbollery, the ideological framework for the next order can now be revealed; we can continue on with how socialism will arise out of the ashes of nazbollery in the material conditions of American bourgeois democracy.
Onwards to Chapter 10!
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