The Wages of "Settlers" is Srebrenica Part V: Never Again, and How

Synthetic leftism comes out of the middle class revisionists of academia who represent its ultraleftist tendencies, and is also upheld by petty bourgeois nazbols who represent its rightist tendencies. From there, it's not too difficult for the middle class and the petty bourgeoisie who make up its base to backslide towards capitalism if they ever lead a successful revolution. The middle class academics preaching revisionism will become middle class cops and soldiers preaching fascism and imperialism, and the petty bourgeois nazbols preaching socialism for the master in-group will become bourgeois liberals preaching socialism for nobody.

There's an old canard on the right that Hitler was a socialist. Hitler was not a socialist, in fact; he was a middle class opportunist who saw the German people getting behind socialist movements who decided to dress up in his opponents' clothing. But to a degree, this rebuttal of the right misses their real point, because there have been many, many middle class opportunists besides Hitler who have described their reactionary beliefs as socialism, and the workers are correct to instinctively react with horror to all of them, even to a degree to confuse them for one another. Trotsky, Sakai, and Khrushchev are not Hitler, of course, but they all served imperialist interests directly or indirectly because of the class interests of themselves and their supporters.

As a communist and a humanitarian, I stand resolutely against any repetition of Srebrenica, of the Killing Fields. Even though as a communist I am painted with the same brush by the propaganda fooling the workers with the perpetrators of those heinous deeds, I am no less committed than they are to preventing their repetition.

But blindly denouncing all communism and socialism will not suffice to prevent it; fascists and imperialists can even more easily hide on the right than on the left. Removing communism and socialism from the equation does not prevent these horrors, but removes the working class' best opportunity to understand and organize against them. Without communism, reaction doesn't have to hide in hypocrisy and lies, but its reaction can be naked and total. With communism around, imperialism has to hide its wickedness behind theoryspeak and make sure its crimes can be attributed to its enemies.

Ultimately, synthetic leftism is behind these atrocities, and behind synthetic leftism is the bourgeoisie and the middle class. Therefore, the only real way to prevent more Srebrenicas, to prevent the Sakaist Settlers kids from perpetrating crimes against humanity anew, is to empower the working class as thoroughly as possible. Every measure to inrease small-d democracy should be taken, even under the present material conditions of bourgeois democracy, as more voters and more power for voters ultimately means more working class voters and more working class power.

Furthermore, this new birth of freedom must be real, not just written in law. In fact this expansion of worker democracy must begin with their political education. Workers must be taught class analysis so they can think for themselves, so they won't be left ideologically defenseless before the Settlers kids and forced to mutely agree with their identitarian horrors.

Imagine how much better Indochina would be right now if there had been a critical mass of educated worker cadre within Cambodia ready and willing to push back against Pol Pot's fascist bastardizations of theory, how many more people would be alive right now, and also how much stronger communism would be there without a litany of legitimate criminal accusations laid against its last manifestation.

Indeed, one person who vehemently agreed with this project of democratization and worker power was Stalin himself. The tankie-in-chief directed his purges at middle class and petty bourgeois reactionaries, never the workers. His efforts were meant to democratize the Soviet Union and wrest power away from the Party bureaucracy that was stifling worker power in practice. He was ultimately assassinated for it at the hands of Beria, and his democratization reforms undone by his spineless reactionary successors. This laid the basis for some of the most violent spasms of imperialist carnage in world history as the Soviet Union rotted from within. Srebrenica and the Killing Fields would simply not have been possible in a world where Soviet power was still in the hands of its workers, and still growing. It could only happen in an environment of revisionism and ideological weakness.

So ultimately, the only safeguard against mass graves in an era of conflict is worker power in practice. The workers must control their own political organizations, and must not allow themselves to be misled by the reactionary classes. Democracy, the sort that exists in fact and not the democracy of bourgeois talking points, is the only way to prevent anything like this from ever happening again, and democracy in practice must be a demand of communists everywhere.

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