Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Why Stalin did nothing wrong, and how: Part I

One of the things I did on Facebook was write a series of posts on Stalin's life. With my historian's background, I've got a special insight on the man's life, having gone through the weeds and read extensively about him, also with the training to tell truth from fiction in the sources I read.

I figure it's important to dedicate so much effort to debunking capitalist myths about his life in the first place, because Stalin is the first and foremost line of defense for capitalists of all stripes. Whether they're making imperialism weak again or they're ridin' with Biden, all capitalists can agree that the one true Uncle Joe was a Very Bad Man and that "Stalinists" (protip: we call ourselves Marxist-Leninists, the word "Stalinist" is as meaningless to us as the concept of "cultural Marxism") must be barred from public life. So while I would definitely much rather be talking about how I'd like to improve this country (and all countries) by empowering the working class, I first must deal with the life and record of this glorious dead Georgian because I'll be made to answer for his "crimes" the moment I try to improve society anyway.

But it's kinda silly, because capitalists have plenty to answer for, more than Stalin, and are never made to answer for it. Capitalism kills 20 million people a year (refer to the infographic). That's liberalism, conservativism, and fascism working in concert. For the record, the highest figure ever posited for the "victims" of Stalin is 20 million, spread over his entire career. So the economic system he dedicated his life and his government to fighting kills more people every year than he is alleged to have killed in his entire life.

Moreover, they do this in broad daylight. Obama came to power promising an end to war, and started dronebombing anyone who looked at him funny. George W. Bush destroyed Iraq for its oil. Yet their ideologies remain respectable somehow, while Marxism-Leninism does not? It can only be because "respectability" is the tool of the capitalists and the powerful, and always has been. "Respectability" will always excuse their darkest crimes, but never anything done against them, no matter how tiny.

So that's the gauntlet I'm throwing down, and I don't care if I lose readers. If you came here expecting Occupy Democrats-level Quantico praxis, well, Stalin's methodologies are mine, his analyses are my own and that's what's ultimately been giving you those fresh takes. If you like the product of that logic, maybe you should stick around and hear the rest of the man's career; you might surprise yourself and find you like that too.

I have several articles pre-written that will be released every day on this subject; if you were friends with me on Facebook you may have seen some of them already. If you feel the subject is important and the education worthwhile, I encourage you to share these posts with your friends, or to save them to use as rebuttals if Stalin ever comes up in argument.

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